Learning methodology

- how to turn learning into action

The Collegial approach to learning

At Collegial, we know that it isn’t enough just to make learning stick. It also needs to be turned into action - to develop the skills and competencies needed to achieve real business results.

Learn in order to do

Learn in order to do

By knowing what I can and am expected to do, I am motivated to apply what I learn

Put knowledge into real-life context

Put knowledge into
real-life context

Only by seeing examples and reflecting on where and how new knowledge and skills fit into my everyday work situation am I able to apply what I learn

Learn together

Learn together

With the support, inspiration, insights, and collaboration of my peers and manager I am propelled to apply what I learn, at speed


Our process towards impact learning

Learning methodology steps
Business goal and application
Create a clear sense of purpose and direction by defining the business goal to achieve with learning
Launch and create awareness and motivation by emphasizing burning platform, goals and the way to get there
Pre-selected content
Select and offer world-leading content at the right level for each target group, starting with internal content to set the real-life context
Learning champions
Support engagement and progress by involving learning champions and setting them up to be role models who walk the talk
Interactions with experts and peers
Enable inspiration, insights, support, and networking with online discussion forums and live events
Recognition of progress
Recognize and celebrate progress towards learning and business goals, to create a sense of achievement and being seen

Our content ecosystem

Mockup platform Collegial

Get to know our solution

Modern times require modern learning experiences. With our solution, you can offer your employees what they need to stay relevant so that you stay competitive in today's business landscape.